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Strawberry Aprica – 10 plants
10.50₽ на 10 растений
- Variety with Italian origin (Vivai Mazzoni)
- Early variety, similar to Honeoye
- Fruit of enormus size, with slight tendency to crumble, vivid red, with regular, conical shape, quite tasty
- Flaweless post-harvest durability and resistance to transport
- Yield – above average level
- It has high tolerance to leas and root system diseases, thanks to which it will grow better on tired soils than other varieties
- We recommend covering it with agrotextile in winter
- Designed for field and tunel crops as well
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- Variety with Italian origin (Vivai Mazzoni)
- Early variety, similar to Honeoye
- Fruit of enormus size, with slight tendency to crumble, vivid red, with regular, conical shape, quite tasty
- Flaweless post-harvest durability and resistance to transport
- Yield – above average level
- It has high tolerance to leas and root system diseases, thanks to which it will grow better on tired soils than other varieties
- We recommend covering it with agrotextile in winter
- Designed for field and tunel crops as well