Prices and availability
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- We harvest first early varieties strawberries at the end of april and then, since June, strawberry fruit of everbearing varieties until first frost (until half of November!).
- We offer fruits of 3 varieties : Florentina, Evie 2 and Furore. They have big, attractive, sweet and transport resistant fruits.
- We supply customers in United Kingdoms, Poland, Germany and Middle East countries.
- Delicious, juicy strawberry fruits are harvested from sunrise and are placed in the cold store on a regular basis. Wonderful, tested varieties, natural pollination with bumblebees, cutting edge greenhouse technology that excludes the use of dangerous chemicals (no herbicides, biological protection against most diseases and pestes) – this is the key to our success.
- Thanks to the advanced production technology, we maintain the quality of finest dessert fruit. As one of the few, we produce strawberries with a great appearance and fantastic taste
- We usually pack fruits in boxes of 150g / 250g / 500g ; cellulosic or plastic; with a cover or open; absorbing pads are also available. Collective packaging in crates or boxes. Tell us what do you need!
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